Dr. Ruotolo Patient Testimonials

Dr. Ruotolo Patient Testimonials

“I don’t even know where or how to begin. This year has really flown by and I always thought it would be the longest year of our lives, between all the obstacles, appointments, surgeries and the unknowns. All of these things were easier because we had you beside us. Emma has been beautiful from the day she was born, but you have helped give her that extra sparkle. Like I’ve said before, not many mothers can say that their child has had two beautiful smiles. I can and that is thanks to you. Emma will always know how strong she was this past year of her life, as well as how amazing you are and how much you have done for her. Even before she was born, when you let Mike and I know we could handle whatever was going to be thrown at us. We were not only meeting an amazing, talented surgeon that day but a new member of our family. I’m sorry but you are stuck with us now! You supported us in our fundraising event as well as in Emma’s TV appearance on Fios 1. You gave Emma a voice and helped show people how she is just like everyone else, just more special J In your interview I remember you saying how much you love your job and how you don’t feel right saying it’s a job. It is “SO” true. We can see your passion and love for what you do every time we see you. We see it every time we look at Emma. You are truly an amazing surgeon and person. We thank our lucky stars every day that we found you. We may not have millions of dollars or big, expensive things but we do have a beautiful family and we have you. And with you, we know we can handle whatever Emma still has to take on. She is amazing and has come through both surgeries with flying colors and even bigger smiles. I know a lot of it is her but a big part of it is also you and your amazing talent. You do these surgeries with ease and perfection. I am sorry for rambling on and on but there are never enough words to express how thankful we are for you and to you for everything.”

Lorie and Mike and of course Emma- December 2014*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“We celebrated Emma’s 6 month birthday today and every day this little girl amazes me and can always put a smile on my face. Just as my first daughter did. But with Emma, there is something in her smile pre and post op that just makes me thank God every day for her. And with that, I thank you as well you really showed Mike and I that we could do it from day one meeting you. And since that day we are so thankful for you… You are a miracle and we are so happy to have you in our lives. So far Emma has met her milestones with feeding and is smiling and trying to talk up a storm, obviously no real words yet but no of this would have been possible without you. Thank you for giving Emma a bigger and brighter smile. I’m a lucky mom to be able to say my daughter has had 2 beautiful smiles. THANK YOU.”

Lorie and Mike – June 2014

Ruotolo Patient Card

“I love you! Thank you for always taking care of me and all the ice pops (after the surgery, ha, ha).”

Emma – July 2019

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Our daughter was born on August 15th, 2022, with a cleft palate, as well as a lower recessed jaw which resulted in her struggling to breathe on her own. It would later be confirmed that she had both Pierre Robin Sequence and Stickler’s syndrome.

Within hours of her birth, we met Dr. Ruotolo. She immediately gave us comfort when explaining the situation. Quickly that initial comfort grew into full-blown trust and confidence. Whether it was Dr. Ruotolo or her PAs, Danielle and Adrianna, someone saw Isabella every single day that she remained in the NICU. Furthermore, if we didn’t see them in person, they would call us at least once a week to check in on her progress. The level of communication was amazing. They went over every question we had and every explanation was given in detail. Every step that Dr. Ruotolo made was clearly in Isabella’s best interest – and she made sure everyone followed suit when it came to her care. That alone blew us away.

At two months old Isabella underwent surgery. As scared as we were, we also felt relieved and confident because we knew if Dr. Ruotolo was handling it then Isabella would be fine. Soon after the surgery, Isabella was able to give us her first real smile. From that moment, I knew my baby was finally free of her uncomfortable symptoms and genuinely happy. That smile, and every smile that came after, was 100% because of the amazing work of Dr. Ruotolo. She was, and will always be, one of the reasons why my daughter is happy.

After 94 days in the NICU, Isabella was able to come home for the very first time, and we owe that to Dr. Ruotolo and her amazing team! A couple months following her homecoming, Isabella had surgery to remove the mandibular distractors and then a third and final surgery to repair her cleft palate. Again, knowing that she was in the care of Dr. Ruotolo made us feel at ease.

Flash forward to the present day, as we’re a few weeks shy of Isabella’s first birthday, she is a completely different baby. Since her repair surgery, her whole attitude has changed. She is more confident and enthusiastic about activities. Team RAR brought such relief and genuine happiness to a little girl who started life struggling.

From the bottom of our whole family’s hearts (and I do mean the whole family), we want to genuinely thank Dr. Ruotolo and her team for believing in Isabella and advocating for her during very trying moments. There’s honestly not enough words to describe our level of gratitude. The amazing work that she does, the families that she has helped, and little ones she has brought happiness speaks volumes.

To Dr. Ruotolo and her team: Thank you today, tomorrow, and every day following. You forever have a special place in our hearts for everything you have done for our Isabella.”

Lizz – August 2023*

“Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are an amazing doctor. Thank you for being the dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate doctor that you are! Thank you and the nurses for taking care of me and supporting me during my surgery! You guys are the best!”

Love, Nina – March 22, 2023*

Gifts for Dr. Ruotolo from a happy patient, Nina

Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

We still talk about you all the time. Luke was playing with some little fishy toy the other day and said he got it from your office. We make sure you’re a part of our lives in conversation. I’m sure you hear it all the time, and I hope it doesn’t become old for you, but what you do is amazing. I know what you did for Luke is probably minor in comparison to other things you do, but you changed his life, and you change many others.

Thank you and God bless!!!

LD – October 2022

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo and Team,

We have no words to describe how thankful we are for having you in our lives. Six years ago, when Ivan was only 6 months old, we entrusted you with our hearts to do what you do best, to take care of others. We will forever be grateful and have you in our prayers to give you strength, to continue serving others, the same way you did with us.

May God bless you always.

Thank you!


Ivan Bermudez-Carretero & Family – July 2022

a gift from the Bermudez-Carretero Family

“Words cannot express how thankful I am! You changed my life! Forever grateful!

Thank you!


Jami – May 2022

A card and gift received from Dr. Ruotolo's patient

“Dear Dr. Rachel Ruotolo, Danielle Sacco, and Adriana Coico,

Thank you very much for all the care and devotion you have given to our daughter. We appreciate all the attention you have shown toward the perfection of her “EarWells” and her too.
We are grateful for the reassurance you have given before and after surgery.
The quality work you have given will have a true impact on her life.

May you continue in the great work of impacting children’s lives.”

Anonymous – March 2022

Card written to Dr. Ruotolo from a patient

“Thank you, Dr. Ruotolo and the entire devoted staff at LIPSG for caring for our little Efraim.
Your baby-friendly and delicate care gave us an experience worth travelling for!”

Rivka Friedman – March 2022

card written for Dr. Ruotolo from Rivka Friedman

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

First off, thank you so much for the excellent care and cleft palate repair you performed on me. I hope I will see you today to thank you personally. You have no idea. I cannot thank you enough for the excellent care you provided. I was sure God had led me to you from the moment I met you. Although I have had surgeries in the past, this was the most impactful one. Growing up with a cleft palate has not been easy as it impacted my eating, speech, daily routine, and how I interact with the world. People have perceived me to be disabled due to my speech impairment.

When I was ten years old, I was placed in a special needs class for a short period (about a week) due to my condition, but they quickly realized that I did not have a learning disability: I just had a speech impairment. I’ve always excelled in school and my career. I graduated from Purdue University in August 2021 with a Master’s in Public Health, and I am ready to conquer the world. I’m overjoyed with tears in my eyes.

As a result of the surgery, I can eat and swallow properly. My speech has also improved. I have been told by family members and co-workers that my speech is mor apparent. I have an eleven-year-old daughter Sidney, and I can say her name without difficulty.

Thanks again for everything!”

Best regards,

Sandra Oranvil – January 2022*

ruotolo card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year. We are beyond thankful for all our time and dedication along with lots of love and care for Jackson and our family. We can’t thank you enough!”

DH – December 2021

Ruotolo Patient Card

“You made a miracle happen with my baby brother, Matthew. Thank you Dr. Ruotolo, because of you my baby brother will celebrate his 1st birthday with a beautiful smile. I believe thanks to you and God.”

November 2021*

Dr. Ruotolo patient testimonial cad

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Thank you for everything you do. You’re smart and brave too!

Thank you so MUCH!”

Love Olivia*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
We are continuously grateful for the incredible care and work you have done for Bella.
Wishing you a year of joy and good health.”

BS – October 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you so much for taking such good care of me and treating me like family. I can’t wait to get earrings and show off my pretty ears.

Cali Moss – September 2021

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
I can’t believe the time is here again where our time together must end. As medical school ends and I do a lot of reflecting on the last 4 years and the journey as I step into a new chapter of my life, I keep coming back to the fact that the last 4 years would have been completely different if I never met you. I could go on and on about all the medical knowledge you taught me, patient care, bedside manner, and surgical skills. But I want to focus on another aspect. You gave me confidence in myself when I was lacking through your confidence in me. You gave me motivation to keep working through your infectious positive attitude and work ethic. You inspired me by showing me through your own story that anything is possible, we must work for it. You showed me how you defied all odds and what people said to said to discourage you. So, if you could do it, then I could do it too! You showed me how to carry yourself with grace while being in a powerful position and how to keep yourself grounded. The fact that you’re a woman, mom of 3 beautiful little girls, and an amazing surgeon with a busy practice taught me that I really can do it all and I look to you as that example. There isn’t enough room on this card to express my thanks; and although our time working together has ended (for now ), I will never stop considering you my #1 mentor and I will always try to continue to make you proud.”

CB- October 2021

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
A belated note to say thank you many times over for doing such a beautiful job on Micky’s face and for making the process so easy. It is quite evident that you are passionate about your job but also care about your patients. You and your staff made phone calls, even on Sunday evening to make sure we were all set, and every question was answered. You also worked around Micky’s schedule to make sure he could get back to school on time. Your staff’s attention to details and caring for our family made the process much less stressful! We are all so appreciative of your kindness. Please pass along our gratitude to your wonderful staff as well.”

Warm regards,
Elizabeth, Brendan, and Michael

PS. Micky rocked the Chicago Marathon and we all toasted you that evening for helping him get there!

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Thank you for being a calm and reassuring presence for us throughout this journey with Bella’s cleft. We feel blessed to have met you, and confident that Bella is in the best hands. Looking forward to our continued work together.

Also, happy birthday! May this year be filled with joy and good health.”

BS – August 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you so much for taking such good care of me and treating me like family. I can’t wait to get earrings and show off my pretty ears.”

Cali Moss – September 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“One of the easiest medical decisions I have ever had to make for my son…He’s an athletic outgoing fourteen-year-old who developed gynecomastia. The effects of this caused insecurity and became mentally debilitating. After a few minutes consulting with Dr. Ruotolo, we knew she was the right doctor. We booked the appointment immediately following our consult and her amazing team was able to accommodate us within a week’s time.

Dr. Ruotolo took her time to explain all the details of the surgery to both my son and I. Due to the pandemic only one person was allowed in the facility so she conferenced in my husband to attend virtually and made all of us feel comfortable with our decision.

I would be remiss not to mention the amazing aftercare. My son is beyond happy with the outcome and we’re grateful to Dr. Ruotolo and her team.”

JVW – August 2021*

“Back in December 2020 we had our son Thomas (15 months old) visit, Dr. Ruotolo, for a suspected dermoid cyst above his left eye. Dr. Ruotolo thoroughly explained what it meant, how to treat it and the recovery process in our first visit and answered all of our questions and concerns with patience. Dr. Ruotolo, her office staff, and the staff at Cohen’s Children’s Hospital were absolutely wonderful and eased our worries and concerns about his surgery during the pandemic since only one parent could be in attendance. We are so thankful that our pediatrician highly recommended Dr. Ruotolo, we knew Thomas was in good hands from our very first visit. His scar is nearly impossible to notice 8 months later. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for caring for our sweet boy!”

Jaclyn and John – August 2021*

“My son and I met Dr. Ruotolo and her team when he was just two days shy of being six weeks old. I was unaware about ear wells and their magic. Dr. Ruotolo and her team took the time to explain every detail to me while keeping my baby boy smiling and cooing. She and all of the staff members treated us like family every time we walked in. It was such a pleasure to work with them that I was actually sad when my son’s six weeks were up. His ears were completely transformed and look as if he was born with these perfectly shaped ears. I truly cannot thank Dr. Ruotolo and all the staff members at her office enough. I am eternally grateful for their knowledge, kindness, professionalism and love for my son.”

JM – August 2021*

“You are truly special. When Ava was just months old, you stepped in and began caring for her. Your devotion is very much appreciated.”

Ava – August 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Happy Birthday and thank you for taking great care of my nose and mouth.”

Gabriella – July 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank God for placing you onto this Earth and into our lives. You’re truly a miracle worker and we are forever grateful for how you’ve helped our son.”

With love,
AJ – July 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Just a note of appreciation, expressing our gratification, for your utmost dedication, with your expertise in our situation, lots of luck, in everything you do!”

J&C – July 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

A little token, an expression of our mind,
To you Dr. Ruotolo, a doctor so kind!
Thank you for being so caring and nice,
A surgery done well & so precise!”

CR – July 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Our daughter had rhinoplasty done and she couldn’t be happier with the results! Dr. Ruotolo was simply amazing and has a wonderful bedside manner. She made us (parents too) very comfortable as she has a calming way about her. Her work on our daughter’s nose was impeccable – it really fits her!”

K & J – June 2021*

“I’ve never been happier with my nose, and it’s all because of you. I can’t thank you enough for the phenomenal job you did!”

Melina Moncada – June 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you for taking such great care of our boys! We are so happy to see how perfect their ears look!”

DH -June 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“My son, Mateo, has been treated by Dr. Ruotolo for the past six years. We met her for the first time in the emergency room under pressing circumstances where Dr. Ruotolo spent a very long time discussing the intense surgery my almost 2 year old would be enduring. She was calm, explained every answer to all of the questions I had in great detail and was confident in her skills. Although my young son’s surgery was long and daunting, I had to trust that Dr. Ruotolo would excel in the operating room. After 8 long hours, our young son’s eyesight returned and his debilitating headaches disappeared. My husband and I couldn’t have been more pleased with Mateo’s surgical outcome. He was days away from being permanently blind due to a rare case of multi-suture craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the bones of his skull).

Today, Mateo is a happy and healthy 8 year old who has perfect vision and can see every color of the rainbow thanks to Dr. Ruotolo’s expertise! His pain was gone immediately after surgery and within a few short days he was walking and talking and back to his toddler little life. Nowadays our son is top of his class, is a gifted athlete in many sports and is living an amazing life alongside his 2 older brothers. My husband and I couldn’t be happier.

All along the journey of Mateo’s serious and complicated surgery, Dr. Ruotolo took an immense amount of time pre-op and post-op (in the hospital as well as in her private practice), to explain every step of his condition. For the past 6 years, she has provided excellent care to our son and has dedicated so much time to treating him and caring for our family’s overall well-being. She understands the concept of the family dynamic being a parent herself which put us at ease.

My husband and I are so very grateful for Dr. Ruotolo and her expertise and bedside manner. She truly is an exceptional surgeon who has not only hands, but a heart full of gold. There is never a day that has gone by since January 7, 2015 that I don’t think of her and what she has given to our family- a truly exceptional gift. Mateo can see every sunrise and sunset and everything in between now and we couldn’t be any more appreciative.”

Theresa & John – June 2021*

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo, Adriana, & Staff,

Words can’t express how truly grateful we are for the love and care you have given our little boy over the past two months. Thank you for helping him to look and feel his best as he grows up! You have a wonderful team!”

JD – May 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo, Danielle, Ro, & Janet,

Thank you so much for taking care of our precious little man, Hunter! His little ears are absolutely perfect because of you, and I could not have trusted anyone else! The dedication and love for your pediatric patients shines through in each of you. Hunter loved his visits and all the ladies! I am sure he is going to miss being swooned over!

Here is a little thank you from the three of us. I hope you enjoy!”

Kristyne, Thomas, & Hunter – January 2021*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
There really are no words that could ever express my deep gratitude and thanks to you. I brought my son to you after two surgeries that really didn’t work out the way I expected. I was scared. I had no clue if my son would eve be able to use his hands. You walked in at our first appointment and immediately comforted me. You assured me that “you got this” and let me tell you, you most certainly did. Every text I sent, every concern I had, you were right there. You made it all so easy. I don’t know too many doctors, let alone surgeons who text you back, right away, any time , day or night. Besides caring for and about my son, your skills as a surgeon are brilliant. I look at my son’s hands (and maybe I’m biased) and think, “they are the most perfect hands I have ever seen.” And that is because of you. The lives you touch, the difference you make is forever lasting.”

From the bottom of my heart, my endless thanks, always!
M&K – December 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,
Wishing you the Merriest & Happiest Holidays! This was a very trying year on everyone, no doubt about it. In the middle of a national pandemic you performed our daughter’s second surgery. I can genuinely sit here and say that I was at such peace with it because I knew she was in such good hands…your hands! You have such a remarkable way of connecting with your patients and their families. My daughter has such a beautiful smile and it brings so much warmth to my heart. I didn’t think this was ever possible. But because we have you all of our fears quickly dissipated. Our family will be forever grateful for you! You will always be like family to our family. You took care of our girl. Hopefully, you can find some time to treat yourself!”

Love always,
M&B – December 2020

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
What do you say to someone who has changed your son’s life? Words cannot properly express our immense gratitude that we have towards you. From the moment we met during the pregnancy, you were calm and reassuring. You answered our questions and put our minds at ease for the road that was to come. When everything seemed scary and unknown, you were light in the darkness. Not only did you come to check on our son the day after he was born, you have continued to be an extremely, knowledgeable, helpful, immeasurably skilled and wonderful doctor. Thank you for taking such good care of him. We cannot possibly thank you enough.”

With extreme thankfulness,
M & A – December 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“From day one in the hospital you drew us a diagram and reassured us that our daughter would be okay. Your kindness, support, and care for her has made the process…much more enjoyable. Thank you for all you do!”

We appreciate you,
L & B – December 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo & Staff,
Three months ago, you met with us, two new parents, nervous as heck, but you managed to help calm our nerves and give us peace of mind when it came to our then 6 month old Wesley. Not only that, but you flawlessly removed his dermoid cyst and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome, his healing and how above that, what an awesome surgeon you are! Thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you and yours!”

With love,
Adam & Leah – December 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo and the staff:
It has been a wild ride this year and we want to take this time of the season to say we are grateful for having you take on our son’s surgery. Your patience and attentiveness to detail has eased our minds in this frightful situation. We believe his recovery wouldn’t be where it is today without your prep work. Here’s a little something as a token for our appreciation. Merry Christmas!”

Erwins and Evelyn – December 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Words cannot express our thanks for your guidance, care, & nurturing as you educated us every step of the way with this unknown medical journey! AS tough as it has been at times for James, coming to your offices always put him at ease. It was always a good distraction as you called him to talk to you about Duke and Vineyard Vines and other things to make him laugh.”

Endless thanks,
Joann – November 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
You have been there for all of our family’s needs. You bring me off that ledge when it all seems impossible. Thank you for making my kids perfect. Here’s some local goodies from our new neighborhood.”

J & L – November 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Just a note to tell you how absolutely pleased I am with the outcome of my facial surgery. I had developed a squamous cell carcinoma on the side of my face between my eyebrow and hairline. It measured approximately 2 centimeters in diameter and was circular after the dermatologist removed it. It is miraculous to me that you transformed that unsightly surgical site into a clean invisible suture line that is scarcely noticeable. Thank you so much for your expertise, professionalism and for the care which you extended to me during that time.”

CR – September 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. R. Ruotolo,
Thank you for your tremendous skill in performing my little Fatima’s surgery, your talent and caring manner is a credit to the medical profession. I’m so grateful. Thank you again for all your hard work and support during this difficult time. Your humility, kindness and strength are greatly appreciated. You changed not only Fatima’s smile but her whole life. You are truly a life saver!”

Fatima’s parents – July 2020

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you for making this whole rhinoplasty experience such a positive one. Because of you I feel so confident in how my nose looks and I seriously can’t be more grateful. You are amazing, and I look forward to see (through your Instagram!) how you continue to amaze others and make your patients feel great in their own skin. Thank you.”

With lots of gratitude,
Grace – July 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
I am not even sure of where to begin to express the gratitude we have for what you have done for our precious Eliana, all we know is we made the best choice!

Thank you for not only being such a talented surgeon but also such a sincere and compassionate advocate since our little firecracker was born. You have forever changed our lives.”

Forever grateful,
The Garcia’s – July 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Rachel,

Neither a gift nor a note can express how grateful I am for everything you have done for me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you…

Thank you for giving me a chance to love myself again. It hasn’t been easy because I see myself every day. But I’m perfect, and you helped me to believe in me more than ever. Each surgery has taught me something, from me: I’m strong. From you: you never give up. Now I am not afraid to have a life.

I thank God for all your excellence as a surgeon and a human because not only have you changed life, but I know you change so many more every day. Your hands are your gift, and you’re my gift. Always grateful to God for you.

I hope to always have contact with you, you’re not only a surgeon, you have a very special place in my heart!”

Thank you and I love you!

Pamela – April 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo and Staff,

Thank you all so much for your help, patience and courtesy this past year with our son’s surgeries. The entire staff is always very friendly and caring towards us and our son. Thank you for everything. We truly appreciate everything you have done.”

Best, B&A – March 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo (and team),

Thank you for always going above and beyond! We will forever be grateful for taking such good care of our baby!”

Sincerely, Ann – March 2020

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo, just a little something to show my appreciation and to say thank you for making my ears look as beautiful as these flowers! You’re ear-replaceable :)”

J&R – March 2020*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Wow. You truly are one of the most incredible and talented people I have ever met. My whole life I wondered what the little “hole” was on my nose and it never was a big concern until it blew up around Christmas time 2018. After going to the dermatologist twice and having them poke needles into it and squeeze it, we knew it was going to result in surgery. As scared as ever, I went into my first surgery with some excitement thinking I would never have to walk in public with a big bump on my nose ever again. Coming out from the surgery and finding out the procedure didn’t go as planned, the first thing I did was cry non stop and just think that after all it still isn’t gone.

However, the best decision my family and I made was coming to see you. After many check-ups and appointments, it blew up again in April and I knew I was in good hands. Coming to see you and realizing that this needed to be done soon, I was so happy to finally get it over with. After dermatologist visits, the first surgery, many appointments, and MRIS it finally came the day of the second surgery where I was able to think to myself, “Wow this really could be the last time I am ever dealing with this” and it was, thanks to you. I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me during this experience.

Even though it was definitely a big hardship, I was beyond luck to have you as my doctor. Your kindness and dedication towards me was truly one of the best things I could have asked for. I want you to know that going through this with you I have seen how absolutely amazing you are. You dedicate your whole life to help people and I look up to that more than anything. I really am speechless when I think of how much of a great person you are. It’s not just because of everything you have done for me, but for so many others as well. You made the whole process much easier and calm, and I am so glad you were the one to get me through everything. You have inspired me so much with all your hard work and dedication, and I really do look up to you.

Thank you for teaching me that being patient is the best way to go. I have learned so much during this experience, and it was mainly because you were my doctor. There are no words that could ever describe how much I appreciate you for not just being such an incredible surgeon but an incredible person. Although I am glad it is all over, I am actually going to miss having you as my doctor. That sure was one crazy, mysterious process! Again, thank you for everything Dr. Ruotolo. I will truly miss you.”

A.D.- November 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
I want to thank you for doing a great job on my left ear. I had Mohs to remove a Squamous Cell Carcinoma from the top of my left ear. My surgeon recommended you for the reconstruction of my left ear. You did a masterful job on my ear. You were quick and had a soft touch. My ear feels pain free and looks good as new.”

Thank you very much,
Thomas – November 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“As a family, we cannot adequately thank you, Doctor for what you did. We are so grateful and thankful to have the opportunity to have a doctor like you who loves to and perform the amazing work to our little munchkin.
We cannot thank you enough…

We thank you, We thank you, We thank you, Dr. Ruotolo, you ‘Are the Best.’”

Love always,
Staton & Jackson – March 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
I cannot find the words to thank you. How do you express to someone how much they have changed your child’s life? I am humbled and forever grateful to you! Thank you for your gift and talent! We absolutely treasure you!.”

With love and gratitude,
Rebecca, Chris, and Dominick – July 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
What do you say to someone who has changed your son’s life? Words cannot properly express our immense gratitude that we have towards you. From the moment we met during the pregnancy, you were calm and reassuring. You answered our questions and put our minds at ease for the road that was to come. When everything seemed scary and unknown, you were a light in the darkness. Not only did you come to check on our baby the day after he was born. You have continued to be extremely knowledgeable, helpful, immeasurably skilled and wonderful doctor. Thank you for taking such good care of him – we cannot possible thank you enough.”

With extreme thankfulness,
Marcel and Alyssa – July 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
We just wanted to say thank you for everything you did for Matthew. From the first time we met you, you made us feel at ease and comfortable with you and that was something very important to us. Matthew loved you right from the start and seeing him talk to you and ask you a million questions was comforting in its own way. It was very hard to see Matthew have to go through surgery and hopefully this is all for him (fingers crossed), but knowing that we had the best surgeon taking care of him made it easier and very comforting. We hope you enjoy your cookies! (Matthew remembered you said you love cookies!) Thank you again, Dr. Ruotolo.”

Diedre, Mike, and Matthew – May 2019*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you for fixing my face! You’re my favorite doctor!”

Love, Remi XoXoX – December 2018*

Ruotolo Patient CardRuotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,

Thank you for your empathy, for your incredible bedside manner. For always being in the room and making us feel that everything is going to be ok. Thank you for your work with the community of cleft palate and cleft lip. From day one you made us feel comfortable and emphasized the fact that craniofacial anomalies were common. We were so lucky to find you. We are forever grateful.”
Jose – September 2018*

“I give thanks to God for putting you on our path. You gave me strength in order to continue with the pregnancy. It was one of the best decisions of my life and the best gift life has given me. Thank you for being an angel to all the families that go through a difficult time. God Bless You.”
Priscilla – September 2018*
Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,
I can’t begin to describe how thankful we are to have met you. When we found out about our daughter’s craniosynostosis we were lost. As a first time mom I was overwhelmed and afraid. You took the time to ease our minds, but most importantly you took the time with our daughter during surgery. Every day I look at her and I think of how amazing your work is. Her scar is beautiful, a part of her always. It is also almost nonexistent because of your outstanding work. With that being said, we will always be thankful.Please enjoy this Portuguese basket, as Catarina will be taking her first trip to Portugal this summer. We want you to enjoy a little taste of Portugal too!”

Love Andrea + Miguel + Catarina – July 2018*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Words can’t say it enough how thankful I am for your beautiful work on me! Just so appreciated.
Thank you,
Szilvia and my kids, they’re so happy to get back their Mommy!”

Szilvia – June 2018*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you for fixing my boo-boo! I ❤ You.”

Matteo – April 2018*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
Thank you so much for helping with my procedure. My face looks amazing because of you and I am beyond grateful! What a blessing you are to this world with everyone you help on a daily basis. Thank you for everything!”

Stacey – January 2018*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank you Dr. Ruotolo & staff for taking out my stitches and being so very kind to me! I was scared but you helped me so much & now I feel so much better!”

Scarlett – February 2018*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,
We cannot thank you enough for the care you have given to our family during the past two years. You gave us your time and utmost attention during our prenatal consultation. You visited Olivia on the day she was born, and you advocated for her to feed from the bottle herself. You have never rushed us during an appointment, and you have always answered our questions, no matter the day or time. And of course, you did incredible work when performing her three surgeries. As parents, it never gets easier handing your baby over, but we were always comforted by the fact that she was in expert hands. Olivia has always been our radiant little girl, but because of you she has the perfect smile to go with her personality (even though her wide smile was perfect, too!). There truly are no words to describe the amount of gratitude we have for you. Thank you, always and from the bottom of our hearts, for your talent, dedication, compassion, and time.”

With Love,
Pamela, Bryan, & Olivia – August 2017*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Just wanted to write you to say once again, “Thank You”!! It has been 13 months since my surgery and I feel amazing! You have helped me gain the confidence that I needed to get through this ordeal. As promised I have lost over 50 lbs and I am working out everyday. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is so so appreciated!

I swore to myself I would not let myself go back to the way I looked. I will be graduating high school in June and I will be walking down that aisle with my head held high!! On behalf of my parents and myself we thank you.”

Best Regards,
Jonathan – April 2017*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Double “R”,

Thank you for your extraordinary efforts on behalf of our daughter. We sincerely appreciate all that you have done for us.”

Julie and Marc – January 2017*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Many people go through life doing their “job”. Not sure of how they affect others. You, Dr. Ruotolo, have a gift. You give others hope, support and peace of mind when it comes to their most precious and prized young children. Your demeanor exudes calm and confidence and one has no choice but to feel calm in your presence. Please know how thankful we are to you for what you have done for our Gavin and our family. You deserve the best of holidays. Thank you.”

Suzanne – January 2017*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

I just wanted to thank you so, so, much for coming and caring for Nicholas. I appreciate all you did for him. Dr. B told me how wonderful you are and I believe every word of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do! I’ve read about you and you are truly an angel amongst us!”

Sincerely, Julia – August 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo:


As a small thank you for your medical assistance, we are hoping this contribution to ReSurge International might be a reflection of our gratitude.”

D. Family – August 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

My name is Deb K. and you took care of my son Brian M. several weeks ago, after his accident. I cannot thank you enough for all you did during this time.

The hardest part, as a mother, was not being there when he needed me, so I was thankful his Dad was present, and he was in your skilled care. The fact I am an RN and going to school full time, my schedule did not allow a trip.

Thank you are words not enough to express my full gratitude for all you did for Brian. From the bottom of my heart, you are skilled and very much appreciated.”

Deb K. – August 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“There are no words to truly thank you for everything you have done for not only our son, but our entire family. When we found out about his cleft at 20 weeks pregnant there were so many unknowns. One thing was clear to us you were the perfect surgeon for our son. Your kindness, compassion and dedication to your patients and their families is so impressive. You go above and beyond and for that we cannot thank you enough. Not only have you been there 24/7 (literally!) and provided comfort for us as parents, but you have an incredible talent and gift. We were so sad to let go of the cleft smile which we fell in love with, but his new smile that you have created is beautiful! We are completely in love all over again! You are truly a blessing to our family and we want you to know how special you are and how lucky our son is to have you as his surgeon. We couldn’t have gotten through this without you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done. You are an angel!”

Meaghan & Wally
June 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Thank you with all our heart. Before saying that you are an extraordinary doctor, we want to tell you that you are an amazing and extraordinary human being. Thank you so much for showing so much care and concern to Caeden.”

Aiya, Bernie, & Caeden
June 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

I’m sorry that you had to open my face twice. Now that that’s out of the way, I would like to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You really are a rock star surgeon.”

Ryan – January 2016*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for making my biggest Christmas wish come true, an ear! I am so excited for the finished product! You are an amazing doctor, thank you for being mine.”

Bella – December 2015*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

We are filled with gratitude for the successful surgery that you performed on our daughter, Ahuva this past May. From the initial appointment, you have patiently answered our questions, were informative, reassuring and most of all caring. We cannot thank you enough for your dedication, skillful work and for enabling Ahuva to be healthy and happy. We are forever grateful for your invaluable service. May God grant you many more years of health, peace, and success and may you bring happiness to all of your patients.”

With much thanks,

Zvi and Deena – September 2015*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank you so much for taking such good care of my son Matthew.

I was so worried when my son was injured and I never thought that he would ever look the same again. Thanks to you, I can hardly even see the scar on his nose. A scar that was once a gaping wound thanks to a line-drive baseball off of a baseball bat.

Even in the hospital, you gave us such relief when you told us how my son’s injury would eventually heal by itself; and even if we weren’t happy with the way that his young body naturally healed him, you could personally step in and take care of it your way. As I once told you, my son had to return to the hospital a week later due to another issue related to his injuries and the doctors there were so amazed at the wonderful job that you did and asked for your name. Naturally, I proudly whipped-out your business card!

Although my son went through a horrific ordeal; having you there with your skillful talent, positive attitude and charming personality made the biggest difference in the world for my son and I and I just wanted to take this time to personally thank you for everything that you have done for us.

Keep up the good work, Doc!”


“Dear Dr. Ruotolo,

You made us feel so comfortable & at ease with James’ surgery. Thank you for taking good care of our baby boy.


Tammy & Peter – September 2015*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo has changed our lives for the better and we owe her the world!


Lisanne – August 2015*

“Thank you for everything you have done for me.

I love my new handsome profile!

My life wouldn’t be the same without you!”


Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank You! Thank you! Thank you!

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your kindness, patience and the excellent care you gave to Adriana!

You made a very difficult time for us so bearable! Adriana might not know it now, but in 10 years from now she will be so grateful to you!”

Andrea, Roger + Adriana*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Sorry I behaved bad in the operating room I was very very scared. I want to thank you and everyone else in the operating room for being patient and helping me.

I love you all!”

Kailus – August 14, 2012*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“We are so fortunate that it was Dr. Ruotolo who saw and cared for our daughter in such a truly traumatic situation. Besides her obvious skill as a physician, it was her love and goodness that made us as comforted as we could be in such a trying and nightmarish moment. Knowing she was available to us because she took the time to make it clear that she was, meant the world to us.

Much love and thanks.”

Stephen and Cherie – April 15, 2012*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Words cannot express how thankful I am to you. I truly believe that you were sent to us to make our little girl better. I will never forget our first conversation — you said that you promised to do everything you could to make my little girl okay. I will always remember those words and how caring your voice was. For the first time in four days, I could breathe. You have given me the best possible gift, and that is my daughter Emily’s life. I hope that your family and your child know how very lucky they are to have you. From the very bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for being the person you are and the doctor you are. I am crying writing this letter because I am so happy to be able to write it. Thank you for being my doctor, my friend, and for getting me through one of the toughest experiences of my life. Please know that when my daughter is confirmed in seven years, I will strongly recommend that she takes “Rachel” as her Confirmation name to always remember the wonderful woman that took such great care of her. You will always have a very special place in my heart.”

Jeannette – March 10, 2012*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Please accept this small token of our profound appreciation for all you efforts and dedication to helping families like ours. Your kindness, caring, and compassion were comforting beyond words, and our son will be a constant reminder of you and the wonderful work you do.

We wish you a long and healthy life with happiness and success in everything you do.”


Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank you for taking such good care of me. I love my new ear! You are a great doctor and a very nice person.”


Ruotolo Patient Card

“We would like to thank you for all of the wonderful care you gave our daughter, Isabella. Words cannot say enough for what you have done for her. You will always be a part of our lives.”

Rebecca, Charles, and Isabella*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank you for your care and attention. I felt very comfortable. I am very grateful for your help.”


Ruotolo Patient Card

“When we first learned Henry would need surgery to fix his tongue-tie we were nervous and overwhelmed. But as soon as we met you, we felt reassured that everything would be okay! You allowed us to ask questions and your patience and understanding of our situation made us feel more at ease. But most importantly, your kindness and gentle approach with Henry made us realize we were making the right decision. While Henry’s surgery is minor compared to what some children go through, it was a huge deal to us. The day of surgery was nerve-wrecking, but your calm confidence made a tough day into a positive experience. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping and repairing Henry’s tongue-tie. Surgeons like you truly help to make our world a better place! Thank you!”

The Crofton Family: Doug, Jess, Henry, and Jackson – July 2011*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“I cannot begin to thank you for the incredible work that you have performed on Marielle. The transformation is astounding to us, like a work of art. More importantly, I am forever grateful to you because I know in my heart that her self-esteem and confidence will never suffer due to her cleft lip. I must tell you that it has been a humbling experience to meet such an incredibly talented doctor as yourself who has chosen to use her gift to do so much good in this world. With every child you touch, you change a life. And in healing that child, you also heal the hearts of the parents who love that child.

Marielle was always a beautiful child to us-perfect as she came to us- inside and out. I have such peace in my heart knowing that as a teenager and a woman , she will be able to look in the mirror and love the face smiling back at her as much as we do. That is the gift that you have given me- to know that all the joy and confidence that is now inside this little girl will continue to shine out through her magnificent smile.

My wish is that all the good that you have done for children everywhere will be returned to you many times over. May you have continued success in your life and career and receive all of the much deserved recognition and praise for the incredible doctor and person that you are.

Forever grateful”

Lili and Elliot – June 6, 2011*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with us. We were nervous and confused, but after meeting you are assured that we are following the right advice with both the craniosynstosis and ‘flat head’ conditions/syndromes. Many Thanks.”

Maggie, Joe, Billy and Tommy*

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Just wanted to send a quick thank you to let you know how much we appreciate the good care you provided to Jaime. You were kind and helped ease her anxiety. Please thank Sue as well, for her sense of humor and ability to put Jaime at ease.”

The Cherkis Family

Ruotolo Patient Card

“Dr. Ruotolo,

We wanted to thank you for being who you are! As a doctor it isn’t customary to work out insurance/payment info. We struggle as a blue collar income family. You made this so much easier to be able to have Jack’s surgery. We have been thankful to you and your staff from Day 1.

It’s people like you who make a difference and we couldn’t let this opportunity pass to thank you from our hearts and tell you’re a wonderful doctor and person; and your staff shines through. Jennifer and Gina are WONDERFUL! We can’t thank you enough!

Sincerest thanks,”


Ruotolo Patient Card

The Doctors at New York Plastic Surgical Group have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.


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