
Patient 481

Dr. Reish

A woman in her 20s, 4 months post-op revision rhinoplasty. The patient had a previous rhinoplasty which resulted in a foreshortened and over-rotated nose with severe alar retraction, overly exposed nostril show, and lack of an appropriate tip-defining point with nostril asymmetry. She underwent revision with MTF cartilage using extended spreader grafts to help de-rotate and lengthen her tip, placement of extended alar contour grafts to treat her severe alar retraction, and nasal tip refinement. The overall goal is a natural looking result which complements the rest of her face and less nostril show (ability to see inside the nostrils). She also had a previously placed silicone chin implant which was malpositioned too superior. I performed chin implant revision with removal of the silicone implant and placement of a 9mm medpor implant with mini-screw fixation. I also performed submental liposuction at the same time.

*individual results may vary
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