Posted in: Breast Cancer Blog, Events, NYPS Group News , Wednesday November 15, 2023

New York Plastic Surgical Group is proud to partner with local breast cancer organizations to fulfill the wish lists of 3 families in need as they face a breast cancer diagnosis. To share in the spirit of giving, we kindly ask that all purchases be made directly from these lists by Friday, December 15th.

Adelphi Family:

This year’s Adelphi patient is a young mother, who was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer at the age of 34. Since her diagnosis, the cancer has quickly spread to her bones. She is currently undergoing treatment while working and caring for her 7-year-old son. She and her son also currently live with her younger sister.

Babylon Family:

This year’s Babylon patient is a single mother, who was recently diagnosed at the age of 42 with Stage 2, triple positive invasive ductal carcinoma. In the wake of losing her job, the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition has begun to help her apply for financial services to cover a portion of her family’s financial needs. She also currently receives groceries and household items from a local food pantry. Her daughters are 6 and 10 years old.

Manhasset Family:

This year’s Manhasset patient, age 34, was originally diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. Since this initial diagnosis the cancer has metastasized to her spine, sternum, and liver. At this time her mother is also currently suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). Prior to becoming sick, she acted as her mom’s primary caregiver. Unfortunately, her increasing pain has made it impossible for her to continue looking after her mom.

Thank you in advance for helping to give members of the local breast cancer community the gift of a happy holiday!